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A small selection of some of the photos taken over the last 22 years, in no particular order...

Shot showing our smart rustic tables and lots of greenery

Silk foliage decoration around the arches, limewash chivari chairs.

Shot taken in the glorious summer of 2003.

Trestle tables set with folding wooden chairs, customer provided pole decoration and bunting

Smart Rustic tables set out for a party

A farmers wedding!

Photo showing extra large dance floor and the joining gutters (that link more than one together)

I said a Capri, not a Beetle!

Aerial photo of 3 joined together.

Sidewalls detached completely and no carpeting.

One marquee fitting snuggly in a back garden.

The very greenest of wedding cakes!

Speech time.

Trestle tables beautifully set.

The dance floor getting put to good use.

The customer may, or may not have got a bit carried away with the bunting!

Beautiful and very large wooden bar unit.

Joining section between each marquee is about 7ft high.

Outdoor chillout area.

6 joined together for a large wedding.

They look great a night a well.

Great lighting effect with the uplighters,
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